Chart Settings
List of global settings with descriptions
Thousands separator
The setting determines which separator will be used for numeric values ββin labels. Available values:
None (123456)
Space (123 456)
Comma (123,456)
Point (123.456)
Decimal separator
The setting determines which symbol will be used to separate decimals in labels. Available values:
Point (123.00)
Comma (123,00)
Decimal count
The setting determines how many characters will be in the decimal part of the number.
Y-axis step mode
The setting determines how the step between adjacent values ββon the Y-axis will be calculated. Available values:
Y-axis step
The setting specifies the value in pixels between adjacent values ββon the Y axis.
Parse dates in Labels
The setting determines the ability to parse data for labels to find dates in them. This setting affects the ability to format the X-axis as dates for Line chart, Area chart, Stacked Area chart. Available values:
No (do not parse)
Available formats to parse:
Dates axis format
The setting determines the format in which dates will be displayed on the X-axis of the chart. Supported format keys:
: Two digit day of the month, 01 to 31%e
: Day of the month, 1 through 31%b
: Short month, like 'Jan'%B
: Long month, like 'January'%m
: Two digit month number, 01 through 12%y
: Two digits year, like 09 for 2009%Y
: Four digits year, like 2009
Default value: %B, %y
Last updated